Sunday, October 21, 2007

Priestly Asceticism

Nietzsche continues to denounce priestly asceticism saying, "... such a self-contradiction as the ascetic appears to represent, 'life against life,' is, ... a simple absurdity(120). He argues that priestly asceticism is contradictory to human nature because it inhibits our natural feelings and desires. He argues that living one's life against his natural instincts is wrong. I disagree with this idea because I think that certain inhibitions enhance our nature. A basic example would be abstaining from drugs. Drugs may be appealing to our nature and be stimulating, but they cloud our perception. When we don't take drugs, we are much more productive, healthier and happier people.

I also think having the ability to control our nature is what makes human nature distinctly human. Animals cannot control their instincts. Humans control where and when they go to the bathroom, when they sleep and other behaviors. Animals on the other hand just react to stimuli. They flee if there is a predator, they eat when hungry , they defecate where they want and they mate whenever and wherever they want. There are no rules and restrictions to limit behavior in animals. I think if we indulged in our desires, we would actually be going against human nature and become more like animals. Thus, when Nietzsche criticizes priests for preaching to go against one's natural desires, I think he is criticizing human nature instead of protecting it.

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