Thursday, November 15, 2007

"...The means of labor and the external conditions of labor belong to private individuals" (Marx 298). Capitalists provide a means of substinence for the proletariat because they control the means of labor. For the proletariat to live, they must use this means of substenance. Therefore, the proletariat is bound to this capitalist system. To Marx, this capitalist system is a cruel system whioch has no escape. The proletariat is not enslaved like previous peoples in that the bourgeoise own them. The proletariat can quit there job and leave anytime they want to. However, the proletariat need a substinence and this is what keeps them under the thumb of the capitalists. This freedom the factory workers and laborers appear to have exists only ijn name. They have no real freedom. The capitalists know that the laborers will stay under their contorl because they have no other means of surviving. The bourgeoise help the proletariat to just barely survive so the children will have to work. Then, these children will be uneducated and they will be only able to work factory jobs. This will go on in a continuing cycle unless something in society is radically changed. This way the factory owners have a fresh supply of workers every generation to replace the retirees and produce for the capitalists.

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